Yesterday morning I got off the bus in front of the Sturdy Stone Centre on 3rd Avenue. I spotted a magpie on one of the nearby trees, so out came the camera in the hope of catching a shot.
Imagine my surprise when instead of flying away before I could take a photo, as birds often do, he actually flew closer to me, landing in one of the planters. He started to root around for tidbits.
My close presence seemed to make no difference to him. In fact it was almost as if he decided to let me have a good look.
Even the flash on my camera going off a couple of times didn't bother him in the least.
Soon it was time for both of us to move on.
The breed found in Saskatchewan is the Black-billed Magpie. They're quite common in many areas of Saskatoon. As often seems to be the case with birds the ones downtown, like this one, are quite tame. The ones I see in more suburban areas of Saskatoon seem to be less so.
Instantly Not Quite.
5 months ago